Last night's North Coast Music Festival After Party at Cobra Lounge was SO MUCH FUN!!! Thanks to
everyone who came out and got down and showed me SO MUCH LOVE!!! I am
truly blessed to have you show up ready to take a ride with me, and lose
yourself and forget about everything.
Before. |
That's what it's like up there for me. It's like time stops. The rest of the world may as well not even exist, there is only you, me and the connection we share through the music.
After. |
It was great shaking Dan Deacon's hand and giving him some respect. Per usual, he set up on the floor with his back to the crowd, allowing all to see exactly what he was doing. Some may have been a little thrown by his set; he stuck with familiar old school jams like "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and "Ignition" and even "What's Your Fantasy", but folks were willing to go right along with it.
Dan Deacon('s shiny head and laptop). |
Team Bayside High are seriously some Party Professionals, their song doesn't lie. Their set was dynamite, lots of unexpected twists and turns. I've got mad respect for them and what they've been able to do in Chicago. Credit where credit is due, they were instrumental in putting our city back on the map as a major player on dance music's world stage.
All in all, an amazing night was had. I couldn't even manage to sleep in this morning, I woke up and immediately was replaying the night in my head. If you were there, thank you so incredibly much, hope to see you back out in the world again sometime soon. If you weren't there, come out sometime and see what you've been missing.
Much Love,